Revolutionizing Healthcare: Mintti Smart Stethoscope and Remote Diagnostics

by GetPhysiocare

At Physiocare, we're redefining the future of healthcare with cutting-edge technology.

🏥 What We Do:

We're dedicated to creating ingenious smart medical solutions that revolutionize the realm of healthcare. 🌐

🩺 Mintti-Smartho-D2: The Smart Stethoscope Series

Meet the future of medical diagnostics - Mintti-Smartho-D2, your AI-powered companion for diagnosing respiratory conditions, from infant pneumonia to childhood asthma and senile bronchitis.

💡 How It Works:

No more relying solely on a doctor's ears! We've harnessed weak signal detection technology, acoustic signal analysis, and deep learning to enhance diagnostic accuracy.

Real-time visualization of acoustic pathological signal curves on the display screen, highlighting abnormalities for a precise respiratory disease diagnosis.

📊 Key Features:

Secure data storage and wireless transmission capabilities.

Seamless integration with cloud databases for recording and tracking patients' data from the onset of illness.

Breakthrough data sharing among practitioners, solving the limitations of traditional stethoscopes.

🌐 Connectivity Beyond Boundaries:

Mintti-Smartho-D2 collaborates with cloud databases and community platforms, enabling remote diagnosis, expert online consultations, and a plethora of other services.